Monday, September 18, 2006


Angered at giving up 17 straight points in racquetball, I reared back and kicked the plexiglass wall as hard as I could. There was an immediate shiver of pain, but I kept playing. Later, swimming, every kick caused a sharp, stiff sliver of pain in my foot, starting where the toes branch from the foot and running almost to my ankle. Later still, at home, the foot stiffened up so much that I could hardly bear to put weight on it, and the thought of walking upstairs was abhorrent to me. I stood in the kitchen feeling it ache, and it seemed to me that the force of the wall in response to my kick was slowly traveling up my foot. Already it had gone from my toes to the top of the foot and nearly into the ankle. I imagined it moving up my whole body, like mercury up a thermometer, till it burst out the top of my head.


Franky said...

I think I am going to join a team, I havn't realy planned it out yet. Right now I'm just tryng to keep up with my school work, I hate our assignement. I hate that we have to come up with our own topic, I'm bad at writting essays like that. I preffer to just write about an assigned topic. I'll just have to try hard, the worst part is always getting started.

D Hadbawnik said...


sorry you hate the assignment. but it looks to me (from your blog) that you have plenty to write about. your brothers, your girlfriend, your family, sports. any of these things could have and probably has affected your life. i know from your first essay that you are capable of writing about how. i hate to have left it so open-ended, but that was also part of the freewriting assignments we were doing in class... good luck.