Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Move

It's been a couple weeks but I'm back... The move was more intensive and difficult and consuming than I thought -- and this is coming from someone who's moved at least a dozen times in the past five years. This morning I woke up in the dark to a house that had no lights -- except, thankfully, in the back bedroom. Moments of murderous bitterness at the thought of the coffee maker possibly not working. . . Yesterday, the landlord had stopped by with a handyman to work on a burnt-out light in the kitchen, and he succeeded in shorting a fuse that took out most of the lights in the house. Already, our fridge had gradually been getting warmer and warmer for some mysterious reason. Now it's little more than a box to keep stuff in. Supposedly that's getting fixed today.

Alas, the coffee maker did work. Sat down to a gross breakfast of lukewarm soymilk over cereal, a glass of warmish orange juice, and the life-saving coffee. Got ready for another exciting day of school...

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